I would like to tell you
what is happening to our friend Bojie, DV1SRE in the Philippines.
Thanks to:
Nov.5 00:30AM I found an e-mail from Bojie, DV1SRE. I put it up to my blog with the title as this. |
Bojie/DV1SRE Asks HAMs How are you, I have important problema to tell you last November 1, my3 yrs old granson complain of stomach ache we rush him to the hospital , he was operated and cut portin of his stomach, now he is in the Intensive care unit (ICU) room, the problem now is the big cost of hospital bill, I have no medical insurance to settle this so I was looking for some donation from my friend here and abroad, in Canada Ron va3ny is helping me to ask for the donation from our ham friend there I was thinking If you can help me to ask for a voluntary donation from our friend there in japan. I tried almost anything to seek help from relatives and friend. to save the life of my little grandson attach is my grandson picture thank you
Bojie / dv1sre
DV1SREボジが助けをもとめています。 調子はどうだ。 実は今月1日にたいへんな問題が起きたので聞いて欲しい。 三歳の孫が、お腹が痛いと言い出したので、慌てて病院へ駆け込んだのだ。 孫は手術を受けることになって、内臓の一部を摘出された。今はICUにいる。
日本での寄付を募ってもらえないだろうか。 自分は、親戚や友人に頼めるものはもうほとんど頼みつくしてしまっている。孫の写真を同封する。
DV1SRE/Bojie |
Nov.5 02:30 a.m. |
We, some members on QsoNet talked about what to do for half an hour.
ボジのメールを受け取ったメンバーが、たまたまQsoNetに集合して相談。 |
Nov.5 02:30 a.m.
I wrote e-mail to Bojie/DV1SRE to open an account on PayPal.
I am going to tell our members how to send their contribution as soon as Bojie tells me his account number. |
Bojie/DV1SREには、PayPalに口座を開けと伝えました。 『ボジ、 すぐにPayPalに口座を開いて欲しい。 プエルトリコのGuillo/KP2H、東京調布のJE1JLYは直ぐに送金すると言っている。
Teo 』
Nov.5 05:00a.m. |
Thinking about what else to do, I remembered an article that appeared in CQ ham radio magazine, some decades ago, It was a story of a doctor ham who helped a sailorman, almost dying in the South Pacific Ocean. He sent antibiotics to Air Force to carry. it The doctor had been watching the bands and caught the emergency call.He did what to do as a ham. We, radio hams should face emergencies more often than others because we are always there beside emergencies. The more actively we operate, the more emergencies we face. It should be "a" nobles' oblige foractive hams to act, properly, when we face them. Yes, hams are nobles. I decided to write this to Japan CQ pub.co. And I remembered a manuscript that I had written for hams who want to enjoy QsoNet. I can send it to the magazine to sell. The fee should be sent to the Philippines. It is an idea. It took me over one hour to print them because my printer had something wrong to work after a period.
他になにか手段はないものかと考えていて、ずいぶん昔にCQ誌で読んだ記事のことを思い出した。 遠洋漁業中の船舶で急患が発生、援助を求める信号をドクターハムがキャッチし、軍に連絡して抗生物質を届けたという記事だったと思う。 CQ出版に手紙を書くことにした。 採用してもらえそうな原稿があったので、これで原稿料をもらおうという魂胆だ。もともと掲載してもらう気持ちはなかったので、当然、採用されれば原稿料はすべてBojieに送れる。悪くない。 久しぶりなのでプリンタが調子悪く、プリントアウトするのに1時間かかった。
Nov.5 11:30a.m. |
Bojie wrote his PayPal Account to me.
Nov.5 12:30a.m. |
I made the message board as below and we"ll show it all around the world through QsoNet.
QsoNet での広報用メッセージボードを作成。
Nov.5 2:30pm |
I posted a letter with my manuscript to CQ pub.co. to ask for help. |
CQ出版への原稿を投函。どうせ週末なので、届くのは来週だ。 CQ ham radio 編集部御中CQ ham radio 編集部御中 2010年11月5日
ところで、本稿をお送りする最大の理由を率直に申し上げます。実は原稿料を戴きたいのです。 昨日、と言っても実は数時間前の深夜のことですが、フィリピンのアマチュア無線家Bojie Pangan氏/DV1SREから、次のようなメールが届きました。以下は、私の運営するブログにまるごと転載したものです(タイトルは私がつけました)。
BOJIE/DV1SRE ASKS JA How are you, I have important problem to tell you last November 1, my3 yrs old granson complain of stomach ache we rush him to the hospital , he was operated and cut portin of his stomach, now he is in the Intensive care unit (ICU) room, the problem now is the big cost of hospital bill, I have no medical insurance to settle this so I was looking for some donation from my friend here and abroad,
in Canada Ron va3ny is helping me to ask for the donation from our ham friend there I was thinking If you can help me to ask for a voluntary donation from our friend there in japan. I tried almost anything to seek help from relatives and friend. to save the life of my little grandson attach is my grandson picture thank you
Bojie / dv1sre
フィリピンのBojie Pangan/DV1SREには、Paypalに口座を開くように伝えてあります。彼が口座番号を伝えて来次第、少しずつ送金が行われることを祈っております。
もし御社から私に原稿料が支払われるのであれば、どうかそのまま彼の口座に送金してやっていただけませんか。そのほうが彼の手に届くのも速いし、日本のCQ ham radioからの送金であれば、彼はいっそう熱烈なJAびいきになってくれることでしょう、
追伸、私の原稿は不足かも知れません。その場合は どうか、彼の手紙部分だけでも掲載していただけますよう、平にお願い申し上げます。
5:30 p.m. |
I tried sending some money through PayPal.
届いている様子がない。 |
9:00p.m |
Now it works.
I must start telling this aloud on bands. |
届いたようだ。 さて広報である。
Friends, Send $5 to the Philippines.
The money in your pocket sometimes becomes a great help in the hospital. This is THE TIME. Bojie needs money to pay the hospital for his grandson. More to say, Bojie needs friends to stay with. Amount of money is not important, but number of friends IS important for him. Sign your name in his account. andtell your friends what is going on. Show the world WE ARE HAM.
This is what KP2H/Guillo said on the wave.
諸兄、5ドルでいいです。 1ドルでも2ドルでもいいです。 PayPalに口座を開いてください。 いずれその口座がイーベイやらなんやらで役立つ日が来ます。 その前に今、開設してください。口座開設費用はタダですが、練習台だと思って数ドル、払い込んでやってください。ポケットの小銭でもいいです。 彼のアカウントは dv1sre@hotmail.comです。 Bojieには多額が必要かも知れませんが、あいつは「多くの友だち」が必要な人間です。 淋しいと死ぬヤツです。額より人数です。それが彼の力になります。 よろしくお願いします。
Nov.6 |
It seems to us that Bojie needs at least 5000US$ because the patient must stay in ICU about amonth and after that, the second operation should be held. |
いったい幾らかかるんだと相談。ICU費用を考えると50万円やそこらは要るだろうと。 さらには、人工臓器を取り除く第二次手術も必要らしい。幾らになるやらさっぱり分からず。
I wrote in my blog what happened today. |
I woke up to the sound of door bell.
I opened the door, there I found someone I didn't know.
So,said he and tooka big envelope out of his pocketand looked at me in the eyes.
afternoon |
KI2P kindly told me I mistook the rate between Japan YEN and the Philippines PESOs.
It may be almost half as I thought. I am eased.
KI2P 池田OMから連絡が入る。私はペソ=円換算を間違えていたらしい。
大まかに言って、予測の半分ぐらいで済むかも知れず、ちょっと安心。 |
Nov. 8 3:00a.m. |
We heard a good news from Bojie, on QsoNet. Bojie said that his grandson whispered "LO LO..." This means "GranPa" in Tagalog. It is the first voice after a week. Bojie found there is a goal. He sees that. We have another good news. Sam in Oman said he would tell this to their Royal Radio Club. It must be a great help. We are growing the Next Generation.
Nov.9 |
Bojie is now at the top of the world. The doctor said that his patient could go back home. He was rushing to the hospital. This is a funny picture he sent to us. We know haw happy he is now. Funny Bojie has come back!
But I wondered an operated patient can come back home so early? I thought itshould bebetter for him to stay in hospital longer. Grandson has just come out of ICU.
ボジはご機嫌だ。 医者が、孫を連れ帰って良いと許可したという。 これから迎えに行くらしい。 そこで送ってきた写真がこれ。 一刻も早く飛んでいきたいらしい。
それにしても、本当か? ICUから出たばかりじゃないのか。
Nov. 10 |
He said he came back alone. The doctor allowed him to take his grandson home, but the hospital didn't. The hospital said Bojie did notcompletehis payenough. Bojie said it was his mistake...but he had nothing anymore to pay.
I wrote Bojie that he should go to the public office to ask for help. But he was deeply disappointed that he could not hear anything. I wrote in the email again.
It was the hardest day for me to spend, so far. |
ボジは他にだれも乗っていないクルマで帰ってきた。 医者は帰宅を許可しているが、病院はダメだという。 支払いが足りていないと言われたそうだ。 ボジにいろいろ尋ねたが、要領を得ない。 私には病院の言い分が理解できなかったので、市役所へ行って相談してくるように、アドバイス。 病院の言いなりに払っていたら、どうなるかわからない。 と伝えるものの、あまりの落ち込み具合に、聞こえているのやら。
私に |